Dad wore me out tonight

Dad wore me out tonight

Dad wore me out tonight

Dad played with me a lot when he got home. He let me crawl around the house a lot. Then mommy gave me some medicine to help my teeth. So when daddy put me to sleep tonight I was out in minutes. And look how cute I am I fell asleep hugging my Pat the bunny.

Good morning

Good morning

Good morning

After some difficulty getting to sleep last night, I finally slept straight through. That’s right – we all got uninterrupted sleep until 7am this morning. Mommy keeps telling me I’m her “star.”

Long morning

Long morning

Long morning

Had my 9-month check-up this morning, and I am doing great! I am 28 3/4″ tall (doc says my height at my last check-up was probably a little off), and I weigh 18 lbs. 6 oz. I am in the 75th percentile for height, and about the 50th percentile for weight &...