Fun with envelopes

Fun with envelopes

Fun with envelopes

Mommy got lots of birthday cards – and I got to play with the envelopes for a little while. Ripping them up was fun, until mommy took them away from me because I was getting rowdy and she thought I’d hurt myself.

Out to lunch

Out to lunch

Out to lunch

Grandmom took mommy & me to lunch at On the Border for mommy’s birthday. We had fun! I ate my baby food, puffs, fish and rice. Then I got ice cream for dessert! Thanks, Grandmom!

Big girl jammies

Big girl jammies

Big girl jammies

It has been warm outside, so mommy & daddy are finally letting me wear my pretty jammies that daddy picked out for me. It’s the first time since I was a tiny baby that I’ve gotten to go to bed in jammies that don’t have feet!

My first watermelon

My first watermelon

My first watermelon

Well, I guess it’s not really my “first” watermelon. Daddy says that all mommy ate for the first few months she was pregnant with me was watermelon. So daddy thinks I’m probably at least 30% watermelon. I like it! (sorry, Aunt Shell)