Last night, Daddy sent me to my room

Last night, unbeknownst to Mommy, while she slept, Daddy wheeled my bassinet into the nursery and setup the video monitor my grandmom bought me. He did this because he was sleepy and he worried one of my three feline brothers might jump into my bed – they’re really fat cats and that wouldn’t go well.

It was OK though. He moved me around and I slept through the whole thing. He configured the video monitor and watched me almost all night long anyway. He’s such a worry wort, I guess he must like me or something. It was good though, I got to sleep without threat of fuzz butt incursion, Dad didn’t wake me with his snoring, and Mom got to sleep a whole three and a half hours. And as soon as I woke up and cried…Mom and Dad came running into see me. A girl could get use to having her own room.